澳门真人赌场官方网站公平政策委员会于2015年成立, comprising representatives from over 80 community partners who came together to advocate for innovative clinical and public policies to reduce health disparities for Austin-Travis County residents with incomes at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. 自成立以来, 委员会成功地实施了各项政策举措,旨在改善所服务社区的健康状况.
- The 种族平等委员会 (REC) and the 大流行病公平委员会 (PEC) were established to address race and ethnicity disparities during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The 澳门银河真人在线赌场平等指数委员会 works with medical service providers in Travis County to promote inclusivity and affirm the LGBTQIA+ community.
The 澳门银河真人在线赌场平等指数委员会 is a group of passionate community experts who work together on the HEI regional initiative. 该委员会致力于在特拉维斯县推进公平的LGBTQIA+澳门银河真人在线赌场.
The initiative launched in August 2022 with the support of several community partners and an inaugural cohort of three healthcare providers in Central Texas. 该队列协作工作,以满足HEI指定的要求, 评估医疗机构与LGBTQIA+社区的公平和包容相关的政策和做法. 除了开发高等教育框架之外, 该委员会正在与澳门银河真人在线赌场系统接触, 建立里程碑, 并为竞选制定战略计划.
The 健康care Equality Index (HEI) is the national LGBTQ+ benchmarking tool that evaluates healthcare facilities' policies and practices related to the equity and inclusion of their LGBTQ+ patients, 访客及员工. HEI 2022对全国2200多家医疗机构进行了评估.
该委员会于2020年12月成立,负责评估大流行卫生结果, 优先考虑灾害规划中的公平性, 并为特拉维斯县历史上的边缘化群体提供建议.
该委员会向奥斯汀市议会提出了建议, 该会议通过了一项决议,指示员工实施促进有色人种获得更公平结果的政策, 包括亚裔美国人, 黑色的, 土著, 以及西班牙裔/拉丁裔社区, 以及特拉维斯县其他历史上被边缘化的人群.
特别委员会继续与当局合作,解决边缘化人口面临的挑战, 特别注重提高语言能力和文化能力.
语言获取工作 -- Limited English proficiency is a major barrier to accessing health services for many at-risk individuals and can pose significant threats to safety during an emergency. The 大流行病公平委员会 actively works with Austin City and Travis County authorities to explore and advocate for options to address and improve language access for members of our community.
种族平等研究委员会在评估CHEP理事会制定的政策方面发挥着至关重要的作用. Their primary responsibility is to ensure that policies are evaluated with a race and ethnicity health equity lens and that they promote racial equity based on established best practices in the field and lived experiences.
这些成员来自不同的背景和学科, 包括医学, 公共卫生, 教育, 业务, 社会工作, 政策发展, 能力开发, 以及种族和民族正义. 通过利用他们的集体知识和技能, 委员会努力确保政策对所有社会成员都是公平和包容的.
种族和民族平等政策工具包 - In an effort to encourage safety net providers and government entities in Travis County to adopt recognized best practices across their organizations to foster race equity, 种族公平委员会将设计, 开发, 并向合作组织传播种族平等政策和宣传工具包. This toolkit will guide organizations in fostering inclusivity and race equity which will be able to better serve the diverse Travis County community.
引人注目的举措 & 成就
Limited English proficiency poses a significant barrier for at-risk individuals to access health services and can threaten their safety during emergencies. The 大流行病公平委员会 recognizes this challenge and collaborates with Austin City and Travis County authorities to explore and advocate for solutions to improve language access for members of the community. The committee's active involvement demonstrates a commitment to equity and inclusivity and ensures that at-risk individuals are not left behind during emergencies. 通过解决语言障碍, 该委员会正在努力建立一个更加公平的社会,使所有人都能平等地获得澳门银河真人在线赌场服务, 不管他们的语言能力如何.
The 种族平等委员会 aims to promote the adoption of recognized best practices by safety net providers and government entities to foster race equity and inclusivity. 为了实现这一目标, 该委员会将创建一个种族平等政策和倡导工具包,并将其分发给合作组织. 该工具包将提供如何设计的指导, 制定和实施促进包容性和种族平等的政策, 使组织能够更好地服务于特拉维斯县多样化的社区. This initiative demonstrates a commitment to promoting equity and inclusivity and is an essential step toward creating a more equitable society for all.
The 健康care Equality Index (HEI) is a crucial benchmarking tool that assesses healthcare facilities' policies and practices regarding LGBTQ+ equity and inclusion for patients, 游客, 和员工. HEI 2022评估了全国2200多家医疗机构.
CHEP理事会HEI委员会与几个组织合作, 包括澳门真人赌场官方网站署, 社区护理, 和整体护理, 协助实施和评估高等教育的政策和做法.
他们的目标是确保这些组织有必要的资源来达到最高的高等教育指定. 总之, HEI是促进LGBTQ+个人公平和包容性澳门银河真人在线赌场进步的重要工具.
下载HEI one - page
The CHEP Council's first initiative was proposing to add e-cigarettes to the Smoking in Public Places Ordinance (SIPPO) due to concerns over their potential health effects and negative impact on 公共卫生. 经过社区外展和讨论, the council successfully passed a 2017 City of Austin ordinance prohibiting electronic smoking devices anywhere smoking is prohibited, 包括像餐馆这样的公共场所, 酒吧, 和公园. The passing of this ordinance not only improves 公共卫生 but also helps to create a more equitable community by reducing exposure to harmful chemicals and protecting the health of all individuals, 不管他们的社会经济地位如何.
The 澳门真人赌场官方网站公平政策委员会 urged Federally Qualified 健康 Centers (FQHCs) and other clinics in Travis County to adopt opt-out screening for HIV to improve patient care. 一项由林登B. 约翰逊公共事务学院(Johnson School of Public Affairs)的研究显示,实施选择退出筛查的成本为2美元.每位患者可多活61年,但可多活28年.每年每7000名新患者中有25名新感染. 这一分析是推动选择退出筛查政策的重要一步, 从而更容易识别艾滋病毒感染并将患者与治疗联系起来.
The CHEP Council launched the recess policy initiative in 2017 to address the inequality in unstructured playtime among low-income schools. 研究表明,课间休息时无组织的玩耍时间对孩子的健康发展至关重要, 但是,许多低收入学校无法为学生提供足够的休息时间.
对于这个项目, the CHEP Council collaborated with independent school districts in Manor and Leander to advocate for policies that would ensure at least 30 minutes of supervised recess time for elementary school students. 该政策的实施是促进低收入学生整体健康和福祉的一项重大成就.